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ParentChild+ and Families First CC are taking action together in order to work with families to build a better future. 

ParentChild+ (PC+) shares our vision that Early childhood and Family Support must be about both lifelong health, readiness to succeed in school, and breaking cycles of poverty.

The ParentChild+ Model 

We offer PC+ in English and Spanish. The model is a proven home visiting program focused on early childhood literacy, school readiness, and socio-emotional development.

  • Trained Early Learning Specialists (ELSs) visit families twice weekly over a 2-year period while their child is age 2-4.
  • ELSs model quality parent-child interactions, introduce play activities, and connect families to community resources.
  • Families also receive a free book or educational toy and support weekly, building a library of high-quality books and educational toys across a total of 92 visits.


Research of the PC+ model demonstrates children who participate in PC+ are:

  • 50% more likely to be prepared for kindergarten than socio-economic peers,
  • 50% less likely to be referred to special education services,
  • Reading and doing math on grade level in third grade,
  • And achieving a graduation rate 30% higher than a control group!
  • When families graduate, they gain access to one of our 5 Star rated Immersion Preschools, the critical next health and educational step, breaking the cycle of poverty for low-income families.

To enroll in our ParentChild+ program, contact us at 704.786.5613.

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Families First Cabarrus County

Families First

985 Central Drive NW
Concord, North Carolina 28027


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