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Mom Gives Back in a Creative Way

Mona Lisa was looking for a way to give back to Cabarrus Bilingual Preschool – Central, where her child is attending preschool this year. So she came by after school on Tuesday with a bunch of art supplies and spent a few hours teaching an art class for all of our teachers!

What a great way for our teachers to experience an art class just like their children do in their preschool classes! Thank you so much to Mona Lisa for donating your time and expertise to CBP!

Click here to check out Mona Lisa’s business, Fifty Shades of Paint.


A Mom’s Determination Leads to Massive Achievements

Obstacles and struggles are often the stepping stones to success. We see the proof of that in a mom we know named Ivanize.

Ivanize came to Families First in Cabarrus County after hearing from others that “Families First is helping people.” She soon joined our Celebrating Families program and began attending our ESL classes.

With the help of her amazing ESL teachers, Ivanize began to learn English and was determined to eventually take the Citizenship test to become a U.S. citizen. Her daughters were in full support of their mom and would even help her study the questions for the test.

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Parents as Teachers: Young Mom Pursues Her Dreams

Vanessa has come a long way since beginning the Parents as Teachers (PAT) program in 2016. At the time, the teen mom was seeking guidance on how to give her infant daughter the best start to life. Nearly three years later, both mom and daughter are thriving.

Parents as Teachers provided guidance, support and resources to help Vanessa understand and navigate the early years of her daughter’s life. Not only did PAT teach her about her daughter’s developmental milestones and how to keep her healthy, it also helped the young mom get through the challenging times, which she struggled with due to her age and lack of experience.

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Parents as Teachers: The Success of a Young Hispanic Family in Cabarrus County

Erika was young when she enrolled in Parents as Teachers (PAT) in 2014. After giving birth to her first child, she and her husband were seeking guidance in parenting and navigating life and desired someone who was bilingual to help them through this overwhelming time in their lives. Erika reached out to PAT and soon Aurora Swain became her family’s bilingual Parent Educator.

Aurora began visiting Erika and her family in their home and together they learned about parenting best practices, developmental milestones for their child, they began setting personal goals, and more. At the time, preschool was not on Erika’s radar, no one in her family had ever attended college, and buying a new home seemed impossible. That would soon change.

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Families First Cabarrus County

Families First

985 Central Drive NW
Concord, North Carolina 28027


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