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EST. 2014

Families First

Strengthening the Whole Family to Flourish For Generations

The model is simple.

Work with the whole family.

Nurture. Empower. Strengthen.

Our Mission:

Families First nurtures children, empowers parents, and strengthens families to flourish for generations.

Our programs include:

  • Families First operates two 5 Star immersion preschools, historically including NC's first immersion NC Pre-K classrooms 
  • ParentChild+ Core home-visiting program is offered for at-risk children and families, featuring Aurora Swain, National Parent Educator of the Year 2017
  • Families First is a Comprehensive Network Hub for Three Home-Based Child Care Networks in Cabarrus and Mecklenburg Counties, including a dynamic Hispanic group. Through the Parentchild+ Family Child Care Model, meetings, and strategic planning, we stabilize businesses with tailored support, resources, and guidance, enhancing providers’ strengths and reflective capacities so they and their families can thrive. 
  • Celebrating Families is a 16-week trauma-informed program where families and their children, whose homes are affected by addiction, recover together
  • Weekly ESL, GED, and tutoring, and Remote Learner classes


Family Services

Our family services include ParentChild+, Celebrating Families, and ESL Classes & GED.


Immersion Preschools
We serve at risk and typically developing children and families removing the distraction of language barriers. Bienvenido a nuestra escuela!


Community Involvement
Famlies First takes a hands-on approach to getting involved in our community. Our children learn best when we lead by a positive example.

Our Two Immersion Preschools

Cabarrus Bilingual Preschool @ Central

Cabarrus Bilingual Preschool @ Central

Cabarrus Bilingual Preschool @ St. James

Cabarrus Bilingual Preschool @ St. James

Cabarrus Bilingual Preschool recognizes there is a need for a high-quality, multicultural bilingual learning experience for young children in order to enhance kindergarten readiness and success in life. We serve at risk and typically developing children and families removing the distraction of language barriers, lack of exposure to a quality learning environments, and other issues that might be present in a children's life.

Contact Families First

Give us a call, send us an email, or just drop by to visit our facilities. Let us know how we can best serve your family and our community. We are looking forward to hearing from you!




985 Central Drive NW
Concord, NC 28027

Families First Cabarrus County

Families First

985 Central Drive NW
Concord, North Carolina 28027


Privacy Policy

© Families First. All rights reserved.